Free Water for Tenants

Are you a investment home owner? I know you do your best to keep your tenants happy, but do you like your tenants that much that you are giving them Free water? As you know water is not free. Chances are if you do not have a current Water Efficiency Certificate your investment could be working harder for you.

Having a water efficient home will not only save water but it will save you money. To obtain a Water Efficiency Certificate is a fairly simple process. To break it down: your taps will need to run at a max of 9lts per min (excluding outside hose taps and bath taps), shower heads also at 9lts per min and your toilets are required to be a 6.5l /3.5l dual flush. Additionally Your property must have it’s own water meter. Thats it. Simple

What can you do? Touch base with your property manager to check the status of your tenancy agreement for your property. Let them know you would like to have your house water compliant t so you can pass on the allowable costs. They will be able to get the ball rolling.

A certificate can only be issued by a licenced plumber. On average the cost to get your property complaint is between $90 – $120. This includes part and labour and the certificate. If your home is 5 yrs or younger, there is a good chance it will pass with out any additional works. The average cost in this case is $60.00.

If your investment is in Brisbane, Golld Coast or anywhere inbetween, Clear View Plumbing can provide this service for you. Give us a call or head to our website to book it in. PH: 1300 416 728